Understanding Time Complexity: A Key to Efficient Algorithms

One of the most important concepts when designing and analyzing algorithms is time complexity. It measures the amount of time an algorithm takes to run relative to the size of its input. Time complexity helps us predict how an algorithm will scale and perform as the input grows, which is crucial when working with large datasets.

In this article, we’ll explore time complexity, how it’s measured, and the different notations used to express it.

What is Time Complexity?

Time complexity represents the computational cost in terms of time as a function of the input size, usually denoted as n. It helps answer the question: How much longer will this algorithm take if the input size doubles?

The efficiency of an algorithm is determined by how its time consumption grows as the input size increases. An algorithm with poor time complexity might work well with small inputs but can become prohibitively slow as input size grows.

Big-O Notation: The Gold Standard

The most common way to describe time complexity is with Big-O notation, which gives an upper bound on the time an algorithm will take in the worst case.

Big-O notation ignores constants and lower-order terms, focusing only on the term that grows the fastest as the input size increases. For example, an algorithm that takes 5n² + 3n + 2 steps is said to have O(n²) time complexity because the term dominates for large n.

time complexity comparison

Common Time Complexities:

O(1) – Constant Time:

  • Example: Accessing an element in an array by its index.
  • The runtime is constant and does not change with the size of the input.

O(log n) – Logarithmic Time:

  • Example: Binary search.
  • The runtime increases logarithmically as the input size increases, making it efficient for large datasets.

O(n) – Linear Time:

  • Example: Iterating over all elements in an array.
  • The runtime increases linearly with the input size, i.e., if the input doubles, the time taken doubles.

O(n log n) – Linearithmic Time:

  • Example: Merge sort, quicksort (average case).
  • The runtime increases at a rate proportional to n * log(n).

O(n²) – Quadratic Time:

  • Example: Bubble sort, selection sort.
  • The runtime increases quadratically with the input size. It is slow for large inputs, and often inefficient for datasets beyond a few thousand elements.

O(2ⁿ) – Exponential Time:

  • Example: Recursive algorithms that solve the Tower of Hanoi.
  • The runtime doubles with each additional element in the input. Not suitable for larger inputs

Understanding Time Complexity with Examples

ComplexityNameGrowth Rate Example1 Item10 Items100 Items1000 Items10,000 Items
O(1)ConstantStays the same1s1s1s1s1s
O(log n)LogarithmicGrows slowly1s2s3s4s5s
O(n)LinearGrows proportionally1s10s100s1000s10,000s
O(n²)QuadraticGrows as square1s100s10,000s1,000,000s100,000,000s
O(2ⁿ)ExponentialGrows exponentially2s1024s1.27 × 10³⁰ s1.07 × 10³⁰¹ sPractically infinite

Key Observations:

  • O(1) is the best case (fastest, independent of input size).
  • O(log n) is very efficient, often seen in searching algorithms.
  • O(n) is manageable but can get slow for large inputs.
  • O(n²) is inefficient for large inputs, common in brute-force approaches.
  • O(2ⁿ) is impractical for anything beyond small inputs.

time complexity

How to Calculate Time Complexity?

To calculate time complexity, break down the algorithm into basic operations and count how many times they are executed as a function of input size n. Let’s take a few examples:

Example 1: Iterating Over an Array

def print_elements(arr):
    for element in arr:

  • The for loop runs n times, where n is the number of elements in arr.
  • Each iteration performs a constant-time operation (printing).
  • Thus, the time complexity is O(n) (linear time).

Example 2: Nested Loops

def print_pairs(arr):
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        for j in range(len(arr)):
            print(arr[i], arr[j])

  • The outer loop runs n times.
  • The inner loop also runs n times for each iteration of the outer loop.
  • This results in a total of n × n = n² iterations, giving the time complexity O(n²) (quadratic time).

Example 3: Binary Search

def binary_search(arr, target):
    low, high = 0, len(arr) - 1
    while low <= high:
        mid = (low + high) // 2
        if arr[mid] == target:
            return mid
        elif arr[mid] < target:
            low = mid + 1
            high = mid - 1
    return -1

  • Each step of the binary search cuts the input size in half.
  • The time complexity is logarithmic, O(log n).

Example 4 Identify the Dominant Term

def complex_algorithm(arr):
    n = len(arr)
    # O(n) operation
    for i in range(n):
    # O(n^2) operation
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            print(i, j)

  • When combining different parts of the algorithm, focus on the term that grows the fastest as n increases (this is the dominant term).
  • The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n + n²), but the quadratic term dominates as n grows, so the overall complexity is O(n²).

The time complexity of common algorithms

Sorting algorithms

AlgorithmBest CaseAverage CaseWorst CaseNotes
Bubble SortO(n)O(n²)O(n²)Simple but inefficient; avoids swaps if already sorted (best case)
Selection SortO(n²)O(n²)O(n²)Always performs the same number of comparisons
Insertion SortO(n)O(n²)O(n²)Efficient for small or partially sorted data
Merge SortO(n log n)O(n log n)O(n log n)Divides the array and merges; stable sort
Quick SortO(n log n)O(n log n)O(n²)Highly efficient, but worst case can be quadratic; randomization improves performance
Heap SortO(n log n)O(n log n)O(n log n)In-place and uses a heap data structure
Counting SortO(n + k)O(n + k)O(n + k)Only works with small integer ranges (k is the range of input)
Radix SortO(nk)O(nk)O(nk)Often used for integers or strings (k is number of digits or characters)
Bucket SortO(n + k)O(n + k)O(n²)Average case depends on distribution of data

Best Sorting Algo

The best sorting algorithm depends on the context and specific requirements like data size, memory usage, and whether data is already partially sorted. Here’s a summary of some top algorithms:

  • Quicksort:
    • Best For: General-purpose sorting; widely used due to its average-case efficiency.
    • Advantages: Fast in practice for in-memory sorting, with a small constant factor.
    • Drawbacks: Not stable and has a worst-case scenario if the pivot is not chosen well (e.g., sorted data without optimization).
  • Merge Sort:
    • Best For: When stability is essential or for large datasets.
    • Advantages: Stable, and works well for external sorting (like on disk).
    • Drawbacks: Higher memory usage due to recursive splits, typically O(n) extra space
  • Heap Sort:
    • Best For When memory usage is a concern, as it operates in O(1) space
    • Advantages: Memory-efficient, predictable time complexity.
    • Drawbacks: Not stable and usually slower in practice compared to Quicksort and Merge Sort.
  • Insertion Sort:
    • Best For: Small or nearly sorted arrays.
    • Advantages: Simple, and fast for small or nearly sorted datasets.
    • Drawbacks: Poor performance on large unsorted datasets.

Search algorithms

AlgorithmBest CaseAverage CaseWorst CaseNotes
Linear SearchO(1)O(n)O(n)Searches element by element; best case is when the element is first
Binary SearchO(1)O(log n)O(log n)Requires sorted array; divides search space in half at each step
Jump SearchO(√n)O(√n)O(√n)Jumps ahead by fixed steps, then linear search in a smaller block
Interpolation SearchO(log log n)O(log n)O(n)Better than binary search if elements are uniformly distributed

Graph algorithms

AlgorithmBest CaseAverage CaseWorst CaseNotes
Breadth-First Search (BFS)O(V + E)O(V + E)O(V + E)Traverses level by level; used for shortest path in unweighted graphs (V is vertices, E is edges)
Depth-First Search (DFS)O(V + E)O(V + E)O(V + E)Traverses deeply before backtracking; used for pathfinding, cycle detection
Dijkstra’s AlgorithmO(V²)O(V²)O(V²)Finds the shortest path in weighted graphs without negative weights; can be optimized with a priority queue to O((V + E) log V)
Bellman-Ford AlgorithmO(VE)O(VE)O(VE)Finds shortest paths, works with graphs containing negative weights
Floyd-Warshall AlgorithmO(V³)O(V³)O(V³)Finds shortest paths between all pairs of vertices
Kruskal’s AlgorithmO(E log E)O(E log V)O(E log V)Minimum spanning tree (MST) using a greedy approach
Prim’s AlgorithmO(V²)O(V²)O(V²)MST using a priority queue can be optimized to O((V + E) log V)

Dynamic Programming algorithms

AlgorithmTime ComplexityNotes
Fibonacci (DP approach)O(n)Reduces repeated calculations with memoization
Knapsack Problem (0/1)O(nW)n is the number of items, W is the capacity of the knapsack
Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)O(n * m)n and m are lengths of the two strings
Matrix Chain MultiplicationO(n³)Uses dynamic programming to find optimal parenthesization

Data Structures Operations

Data StructureAccessSearchInsertionDeletionNotes
ArrayO(1)O(n)O(n)O(n)Fixed-size; resizing takes O(n)
Singly Linked ListO(n)O(n)O(1)O(1)Sequential access
Doubly Linked ListO(n)O(n)O(1)O(1)Supports two-way traversal
Hash TableO(1)O(1)O(1)O(1)O(n) in worst case (hash collisions)
Binary Search Tree (BST)O(log n)O(log n)O(log n)O(log n)Worst case O(n) if unbalanced
AVL Tree (Balanced BST)O(log n)O(log n)O(log n)O(log n)Self-balancing BST, guarantees log n operations
Heap (Min/Max)O(n)O(log n)O(log n)O(log n)Efficient priority queue structure
Trie (Prefix Tree)O(m)O(m)O(m)O(m)m is the length of the string; used for efficient string search

Miscellaneous Algorithms

AlgorithmTime ComplexityNotes
Euclidean Algorithm (GCD)O(log n)Finds the greatest common divisor
Exponentiation by SquaringO(log n)Efficiently computes powers
KMP String MatchingO(n + m)String matching with preprocessing (n is text length, m is pattern length)
Rabin-Karp AlgorithmO(n + m)Uses hashing for pattern matching

Python’s list, dictionary, set, and tuple:

Access by index/keyO(1)O(1)N/AO(1)
InsertionO(n) (at position) / O(1) (append)O(1)O(1)N/A
Search (by value/key)O(n)O(1) (key) / O(n) (value)O(1)O(n)
SortingO(n log n)N/AN/AN/A
Union/IntersectionN/AN/AO(min(len(set1), len(set2)))N/A

Read about list, dictionary, set, and tuple


  • O(1): Accessing an array element, and inserting into a hash table (average case).
  • O(log n): Binary search, operations on balanced trees (e.g., AVL).
  • O(n): Linear search, BFS/DFS in graphs.
  • O(n log n): Merge sort, quicksort (average case), heap sort.
  • O(n²): Selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort (worst case).
  • O(2^n): Exponential algorithms, like solving the travelling salesman problem with brute force.
  • O(n!): Factorial time algorithms, like generating permutations.

Space Complexity

Along with time complexity, we also measure space complexity, which refers to the amount of memory or space an algorithm requires as a function of input size. An algorithm may be fast but requires a lot of memory, making it impractical for systems with limited resources.

For example, the merge sort algorithm has a time complexity of O(n log n) but also has a space complexity of O(n) because it requires extra space for merging the sorted subarrays.

Why Does Time Complexity Matter?

In the real world, understanding time complexity helps engineers:

  • Choose the right algorithm: Given a choice between algorithms, time complexity helps in deciding which one scales better for larger inputs.
  • Optimize performance: When dealing with large datasets, minimizing time complexity can significantly reduce execution time.
  • Predict behaviour: Time complexity gives insight into how an algorithm will perform as the input size grows, helping avoid performance bottlenecks.


Time complexity is a critical concept in algorithm design and analysis, helping engineers evaluate and choose efficient solutions. By understanding the differences between constant, logarithmic, linear, quadratic, and exponential time complexities, you can better anticipate how your code will perform, especially as the size of your input grows. Efficient algorithms not only save time but also improve the overall scalability and user experience of software systems.


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